“I am illiterate. I have never attended school. This paint brush feels like holding a pencil. It gives me a sense of education which I never had,” said an old woman innocently when she held the paint brush for the first time. That&rsqu
It was just another vocational day at, The Pink Foundation. There were about 35 kids, giggling and sharing their stories with with full passion and love. All of a sudden, the training room owner barged in and disrupted the fun-filled session by
What does it stand for? Let us say; cake, music, gifts, surprises, and food. This, we believe covers everything.
Like many, we celebrated birthdays in a customary way. Until now, it was all about flaunting a surprise look, cake-cutting at
Aarti and Bhumika do not address our Co-founder, Harmeet as their mother. They call her Didi. But deep down their hearts are connected. They speak different languages, yet these three are a team.
So, who is a mother?
What is the de
As per the latest statistics released by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Geneva on Menstrual Hygiene Day, 2018, approximately 50% of women in South Asia receive no information about periods prior to the onset of menstruation.
"Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it." - Augusto Boal